Lin Lin

Lin Lin

I immigrated to the United States when I was 17 years old, and studied accounting in college. Although I constantly work with boring numbers, my true passion is creative writing. I believe no dream is unreachable, as long as one dares to dream.

美籍华裔作者林林(Lin Lin)17岁跟随母亲移民美国,在大学里虽然主攻会计及电脑课程,可她真正的爱好是电影和写作。在自选课程里,林毅然的选择了电影及古典文学,并发掘出自己在这方面的潜力。毕业后,林做了十几年与数字打交道的枯燥工作,期间获得的最大收获便是了解到了人性的种种和现实社会的美好与险恶。这为她的写作提供了大量的真实素材。尽管面临人生的多重考验与磨难,她将所有阻力和挑战化为创作的动力,并深切的领悟到只有在做自己真正喜欢的事情时才能感受到最大的快乐。她相信只要拥有梦想,坚持梦想,那么总有一天会将遥不可及的理想化为现实。




For more information about me and the novel, please visit the following websites:


The Thousand Year Promise (Volume I) The Eye of Phoenix about 8 years

An ancient prophecy foresees the fate of the bloodline of Lord Dearborn;
An unfulfilled oath breaks the bond between two enchanting lovers;
A thousand year promise unlocks the gate to the world of paradise;
The curse that cast upon an imprisoned soul shall welcome the challenge of a fearless warrior.

一个古老的传说预言了迪尔邦王族的命运, 一个没有兑现的承诺令深爱的情侣天人永隔。千年之约开启了通往圣土之门,禁锢亡灵的魔咒将迎来勇者的挑战。

The Thousand Year Promise is a fantasy adventure trilogy.
In the first book - The Eye of Phoenix, a disastrous hunting excursion turns Arden Dearborn’s life upside down. Accused of killing his father, the Lord of Londenberg, Arden is forced to flee into the wilderness, while his older brother Devlan takes over the city. A voice guides him to a mysterious castle, where he encounters a beautiful young woman, Sarah. Arden learns that Devlan is plotting another assassination to overthrow their father. With the help of a mystical device, Arden returns home, in time to shield Lord Dearborn from certain doom. An evil enchantress wounds Sarah with a fatal spell. On the brink of death, Sarah is brought back to her homeland – ShangeLilar. Only the Eye of Phoenix can save her life, the crown jewel of her motherland. To seek the woman he loves, Arden ventures into the treacherous wilderness and embarks on a journey of no return.

小说《The Thousand Year Promise》讲述主人公不顾艰险寻找挚爱的故事,分为《凤凰眼》、《双城奇谋》、《最后的圣土》三部。
《凤凰眼》是三部曲中的第一部。故事讲述男主人公 Arden 与其父 King Dearborn 和兄长 Devlan 一同参加狩猎活动。期间被别有用心的 Devlan 诬陷是欲刺杀父王的凶手而隐匿山林。一个神秘的声音指引他来到深山中的一座古堡,在那里他邂逅了美丽的 Sarah 公主并对她一见钟情。为了给自己洗脱污名并解救身处险境的父亲,Arden 告别爱人冒死返家,用以身犯险的策略令兄长的杀父夺权的阴谋再次遭遇挫败。当 Arden 以为可以和深爱的女人常相厮守,Sarah 公主却被女妖施了魔咒而命在旦夕。唯一可以救她的只有母国香格里拉的镇国之宝-凤凰眼。为延续其生命,Sarah 公主经通天门被带回与世隔绝的香格里拉。一对有情人就此被迫分隔两地。为与爱人重聚,Arden 拜别父亲与故土踏上了艰险的不归之旅。

Book Review:
This book was wonderfully written, I really liked the writing style and how the story developed throughout. The tone of the book was portrayed very nicely, and I especially enjoyed how the author tied it all together in the end.
— Sydney Chamberlain (Sandpoint, Idaho, USA), Critic, Proofreader & Editor

The Thousand Year Promise is a treat not only for lovers of fantasy but also for anyone who loves an engaging, enchanting story with relatable characters who have universal conflicts and concerns. It’s hard not to get drawn into the intriguing world of Arden, Sarah, and Devlan. It should also be noted that this book is impressively written, with rich, poignant imagery that enhances the reader’s experience and makes him/her feel like they’re actually INSIDE the story.
---K. Ivery (New Jersey, USA), Amazon Customer

Excellent book, very well written. A real pleasure to read. The best part is the relationships between the characters. Looking forward for part 2. A must-read for anyone who enjoys absorbing worlds and highly memorable characters!
---M. Ortiz (Florida, USA), Amazon Customer

Hidden Scentabout 8 years

Young Kim’s father, a famous artist, suddenly dies in a drowning accident. He leaves all his fortune to a 22-year-old orphan, Ellin Yoon. A failed robbery attempt and the merciless slaying of the housekeeper unveil a deadly secret, which Young’s father tried desperately to protect. As the body count continues to pile up, Young realizes his father has unleashed a supernatural phenomenon that kills. To save the one he loves, the hero comes face to face with the malicious, powerful, yet amorphous murderer...
Hidden Scent is a fast-paced paranormal, mystery suspense novel peppered with humor, romance and many refreshing surprises.
金阳的父亲, 著名画家金铭泰, 突然死于溺水事故。 他将庞大的遗产赠与一名22岁的孤女尹悦。一起入室抢劫凶杀案将金铭泰隐藏了多年的秘密推上台面。在追查真相的过程中更多的人离奇死亡,而所有恐怖事件都与女继承人尹悦有所关联。一本日记将父亲尘封多年的往事揭开。金阳赫然发现杀人“凶手”竟是被父亲的画笔所唤醒的孤魂。而它的下一个目标正是自己最心爱的人。。。
如果你喜欢古典文学聊斋志异中的故事, 那么你一定会爱上这部发生在美国纽约的现代灵异惊险悬疑爱情小说《暗香》。 它是一部将中国传统文化和美国(西方)现代文化完美结合的作品。故事集幽默,惊悚,悬疑,纯爱为一体。

This is indeed a paranormal mystery suspense novel, a fiction that is so educative, interesting to read and keeps one in suspense as each chapter unfolds. The use of traditional words, phrases and idioms made it more fun and explanatory for readers. It reveals the emotions, thought and feelings of the characters. It explains vividly the trauma faced in life when it comes to relationship and adventure. The writer did a perfect work by going further to reveal the effect of immoral act (Lies) and its consequence. The conscious and subconscious mind of humans was revealed and positive outcome of letting go the past and to live a new life. There is no doubt that kudos should be given to the author for displaying professionalism and having an adept knowledge in drawing the story to a reconcilable and joyful end.
— Lucy Darius (U.S.) writer, proofreader, editor & critic
《暗香》是一部真正的超自然悬疑惊险小说,内容具知识性趣味性为一体,让读者的心跟随故事情节的发展而波荡起伏。书中所引用的经典词句和成语使小说更加栩栩如生。主人公的情绪,思想和感受被淋漓尽致的描绘出来。作者用诙谐动情的文笔完美的呈现出人性的阴暗与挣扎,以及渴望将过去的罪恶埋葬,拥抱崭新未来的愿望。毫无疑问, 作者以她专业的文笔和丰富的知识勾勒出一个有深度,动人且美好的故事。

Yiyi and the Amazing Wish Hat over 6 years

Vivian Wang falls into a coma after a suspicious hit and run accident. Vivian’s only child, Yiyi, on the other hand, is told that her mother has abandoned her. While faithfully waits for Vivian’s return, the 10-year-old girl has to overcome all kinds of hardships and obstacles. Every time she meets with a life-threatening danger, a strange power saves her from the peril. Yiyi believes her mom’s blue straw hat is somehow responsible for her marvelous luck…


本书为《了不起的依依》系列小说的第一部,续集 The Girl Who Reads Palm《读掌纹的女孩》发生在依依17岁时,依依介入一起谋杀案的调查,她的特殊能力(通过读掌纹知晓命运)使自己陷入极度的危险当中......完结篇The City Protectors《城市守护者》讲述了24岁的依依已是一名明星记者,在调查美国司法机构的贪腐丑闻的过程中,她发现了当年父母神秘失踪的惊人内幕.....
