When I was a child, I thought my destiny was to live and die on the banks of the Xiangjiang River as my family had done for generations. I never imagined that my life would lead me to the Forbidden City and the court of China’s last Empress. Born in the middle of nowhere, Yaqian, a little embroidery girl from Hunan Province, finds her way to the imperial court, a place of intrigue, desire, and treachery. From the bed of an Emperor, the heart of a Prince, and the right side of an Empress, Yaqian weaves her way through the most turbulent decades of China’s history and witnesses the fall of the Qing Dynasty.
阿曼达·罗伯茨(Amanda Roberts )此前发表过38个短篇小说并已出版一部长篇小说,其职业生涯开始于好莱坞主要的制片厂,包括为20世纪福克斯影业公司&华纳兄弟公司创作剧本,也曾担任米高梅公司的剧本审读人。 《龙族战争》曾获得星云奖&雨果奖双料得主旺达•N•麦金泰尔倾情推荐。 《龙族战争》——美国科幻小说大师、星云奖&雨果奖双料得主旺达•N•麦金泰尔倾情推荐!