The Game of Gods: The Beginning


The gods have gotten bored, and humanity is the answer.

Charles earns the ultimate surprise one morning when he awakens to discover the world has ended, or rather the gods of old were bored and decided to redesign how it worked. Everyone else got a nice little message that showed up their vision, everyone else woke up when the gods decided to make their decision known. Only Charles gets cursed by the gods, and only Charles gets a visit from one as well.

The Game of the Gods has begun and the monsters of old are returning to our world, and all it took was the death of half the world's population and counting.

Author Bio

Joshua Kern

My name is Josh and I am an anxiety riddled individual who is trying to write for a living. I’ve always loved reading and the escape books provide from everyday life. I’ve always wanted to be a writer and have finally decided to take the plunge.
I am currently writing several series that span a few different genres from GameLit, to Fantasy to even a bit of Romance.