One Heart- Many Breaks

This bestseller and many award winning autobiographical debut poetry collection plunges into modern times, regrets, depression, and suicidal thoughts.Most of them are poetic reflections of personal emotions and situations the poet was laid in. The poems cover a 20 years life events and it is a diary of a broken heart. Remember, Some poems are by a 20 years old boy, some by a young guy and rest by a wiser human being. Don't look for perfect language. They are just the emotions and feelings at that particular times. All the originally is kept.
Author Bio

Sandeep Kumar Mishra is a Bestseller author of poetry Collection "One Heart- Many Breaks-2020", An outsider artist, a poet and a lecturer. He is a guest poetry editor at Indian Poetry Review. He has received "Indian Achievers Award-21",IPR Annual Poetry Award-2020 and Literary Titan Book Award-2020.He was shortlisted for "2021 International Book Awards", "Indies Today Book of the Year Award 2020" and "Joy Bale Boone Poetry Prize 2021" and "Oprelle Rise up Poetry Prize 2021".He was also "The Story Mirror Author of the Year" nominee-2019.
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