

T. M. 比德尔贝克的《精选集》包含九篇优秀小说。篇章短小精悍,剧情跌宕起伏!《今夜有人拯救我》《麦克阿瑟公园》《城市娇娃》…作者曾任电台播音员,故事的灵感大多来自古典音乐。


Nine great stories are inside T. M. Bilderback’s “Greatest Hits”! Included are all four of the Justice Security short stories: “Someone Saved My Life Tonight” is the story of Gus Brazzle. Gus is a “grunt”, or a uniformed officer with Justice Security, who has to make a life-or-death choice inside a madman’s blaze. “Saturday In The Park” has the Justice Security partners ambushed in the city park…but the “who” and “why” are very much in the air. In “MacArthur Park”, Megan Fisk Beck is sent by Joey Justice and Marcus Moore on a top secret assignment on her husband Dexter’s first birthday as a married man. Will she survive to celebrate another? And "The Little Drummer Boy" is a tale from the early days of Justice Security told on Christmas Eve by Percival “King Louie” Washington and Dexter Beck, proving that miracles happen…and sometimes repeat themselves! “The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald” tells the story of a group of fisherman on the 220-foot ‘Edmund Fitzgerald II’ and the thing they run into…the big thing! “Gold” tells the story of a couple of California girls that go on a camping trip with an unusual man…who has a talent for weaving stories into gold! “Hot Child In The City” tells the story of a police detective on the trail of a gruesome killer…and the girl that distracts his investigation. Also included is the first “Tale Of Sardis County”. “Don’t Come Around Here No More” tells the story of three teens finding an open doorway to Hell…inside an old man’s basement. Rounding out the collection is the story, “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”. A retired British Colonel tells the story of 1950s British Guyana in South America, and his encounter with a lion…a lion that has been extinct for 10,000 years! Adventure and excitement await you inside “Greatest Hits”!
T. M. 比德尔贝克的《精选集》包含九篇优秀小说。其中四篇是发生在贾斯蒂斯安保公司的故事。《今夜有人拯救我》讲述的是格斯•布莱兹的故事。格斯是一名“海军陆战队员”,或者说是贾斯蒂斯安保公司里一名穿制服的保安。他必须要在一个疯子的火焰里面临生死抉择。《公园里的星期六》讲的是贾斯蒂斯安保公司的合伙人埋伏在城市的公园里……但是到底是“谁”和“为什么”无从得知。《麦克阿瑟公园》,梅根•菲斯克•贝克受乔伊•贾斯蒂斯和马库斯•摩尔指派在她丈夫德克斯特婚后第一个生日宴会上执行最高机密任务。她能否生还,是否还有机会给丈夫过下一个生日?《敲鼓的小男孩》是一个很久以前关于贾斯蒂斯安保公司的传说,在圣诞前夜珀西瓦尔•“路易王”•华盛顿和德克斯特•贝克讲了这个故事,证明这个奇迹会发生……甚至有时会不断发生!《埃德蒙德•费兹杰罗号船难》讲述了一艘220英尺的埃德蒙德•费兹杰罗II号载着一批渔民出海,途中遇到的东西……一个巨大的东西!《黄金》讲述了两个来自加利福尼亚州的女孩和一个不寻常的男人踏上了露营之旅……这个男人有一种特异功能,可以把故事编成黄金!《城市娇娃》讲述了一个警探追踪一个穷凶极恶的杀人犯,但是有个女孩一直分散他调查的注意力。本书还有第一部“萨迪斯县传说”——《永远不要再回来》讲了三个青少年在一个老人的地下室发现了通往地狱之门。《今夜狮子睡着了》使整本小说集更加丰富。一位退休的英国陆军上校讲述了20世纪50年代在南美洲的英属殖民地圭亚那,他遇到了一只狮子……但这种狮子早在一万年前就灭绝了!《精选集》里的故事带你进入激动人心的惊险之旅!


T. M. Bilderback

