Gumption GALORE!: 50 success (and life) tips that will TURBO charge your MARCH along the royal road of SUCCESS. Rahul Mookerjee Mookerjee
Gorilla Grip: 16 simple exercises that will give YOU a grip like a pair of steel pliers, brute forearm power, and increased strength throughout the ENTIRE body! Rahul Mookerjee Mookerjee
Gorilla Grip (ADVANCED): 15 exercises that will give you that CAST IRON grip with an “unnatural pull to it” – and INHUMAN levels of RAGING “ape like” strength throughout the entire upper body.Rahul Mookerjee Mookerjee
Dish Delicious: 15 delicious home recipes and 10 tantalizing dips that WILL leave you salivating for more … Rahul Mookerjee Mookerjee
Gorilla GRIP - - TIPS!: 25 down to earth, practical and MOTIVATIONAL tips to build that RUGGED, CAST IRON GRIP OF STEEL that you’ve ALWAYS WANTED! Rahul Mookerjee Mookerjee